Benefits Of In Vitro Fertilization

Benefits Of In Vitro Fertilization

Category : Medicine

Benefits of In Vitro Fertilization


Daniel Beasley

As with any procedure in vitro fertilization, or IVF, comes with a plethora of benefits and risks. Most of the risks associated with this condition occur before and during the egg retrieval process. However, for many couples the benefits far outweigh the risks, and these benefits give them the incentive to go on with the procedure.


The most obvious benefit of in vitro fertilization is of course the occupied womb that otherwise may have remained barren. In vitro fertilization is an amazing procedure that can give many couples what they have been hoping for, a chance at becoming a mother and father. That said, becoming pregnant and starting a family of one’s own are not the only benefits that IVF can offer to prospective parents. Infertility can be caused by a number of issues ranging from blocked fallopian tubes to endometriosis. In the case of blocked fallopian tubes, that cause infertility, a doctor might suggest a surgical procedure that may, or may, not help alleviate this problem. Many IVF candidates suffer from scarring or blockage of the fallopian tubes, and opt for IVF rather than surgery. For these women, in vitro fertilization is an alternative option to surgery. Without IVF, treatment for infertility would include surgery to try and repair damage to the fallopian tube, in hopes that normal ovulation would occur and cause a natural pregnancy. The benefits of IVF are that it is a less invasive procedure that surgical fertility treatments and that it provides a higher percentage rate of pregnancy. All around, IVF is a wonderful procedure that can help men and women everywhere finally capture the dream of parenthood without the gamble of an extremely invasive surgical procedure that has no guarantee of pregnancy. Ultimately, the choice is yours to make. Research both procedures thoroughly, and then make your decision.

Couples that suffer serious infertility problems can use an egg donor to help them conceive. Egg donation agencies allow recipients to search a database of egg donors, then using in vitro fertilization or another technique, fertility doctors can fertilize the egg.

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Benefits of In Vitro Fertilization